Sunday, March 29, 2009

when you see "it"...,you are doubt to go for "it"...

when you see 'it'...,you are doubt to go for 'it'...actually the it refers to {her}.why are you doubt?there are few possibility=
1)you have no confidence
2)you are shy to make a move
3)you are doubt on your appearance(your look)
4)you think that she might not 'like' you
5)you think that she may got lots of guy around,maybe boyfriend,you have no chance.

but in my opinion,(hot,pretty and cute girls)may have alot of admirers...guys around;(refering to those active guys only)(usually malaysian's guys are not that out-going),but actually most of the guys don't really dare to go for this girls.this is because they may think that themself are no match or compatible to a girl who looks so great!in fact,girls who are rated "QUITE OK wei,that girl^^" seems to have more chance than those hotties!!!this is because you might think there is a possibilities of going with her when you think that your standard may chase up to hers'.
So,when you see someone you like,you must try to go for her(do not wait too long or doubt cause she will not be there for you forever,so when there is a chance,never miss it OR you will REGRET 1 day!~

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subang jaya, selangor, Malaysia